
Senior Sports Day

24th June 2022

Records broken. Senior Sports Day was held this year on a very warm summer’s day – Friday 17th June.  Several records were broken in a morning of great competition. St Michael’s House emerged victorious, closely followed by St George, St Raphael and then St Gabriel.  There were two winners of the Victor Ludorum, Sienna in…

Upper II Scientists

23rd June 2022

The Royal Institution. Mrs Lennox reports on the recent scientific visit of Upper II: ‘Monday 13th June saw Upper II scientists venture forth to the Royal Institution to see ‘Science on Stage’.  This challenged them and stretched their scientific abilities. There were three main learning performances, all based on scientific knowledge, such as The Benjamin…

ISRSA Competition

21st June 2022

Lower IV entries. Lower IV Alpha pupils, Homare and Hijiri, were two of the entries to this year’s Theology, Philosophy and Religious Essay Competition 2022 organised by the Independent Schools Religious Studies Association.  Head of Religious Education, Mrs Corkery, commented, ‘Homare and Hijiri showed great independence, research skills and critical thinking in their composition of…

Priory Farm and Meadow Open Morning

17th June 2022

Meeting the animals. The Priory Farm and the Meadow threw open their gates on Sunday 12th June to welcome visitors.  Our ‘Augustronomique’ horsebox opened up and provided refreshments on a warm June morning.  Mr Raffray, the Priory Farm Managers and the parents who volunteer on the allotment and Priory Farm were on hand to guide…

MFL Junior Film Night

16th June 2022

‘Encanto’. Ms de Lahitte of the Modern Foreign Languages Department organised a film night for the Juniors on Friday 10th June.  Upper II and some members of Lower II gathered in the Priory Sixth Common Room to watch the film ‘Encanto’, which follows a Colombian family whose children and grandchildren receive magical gifts which enable…

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee BBQ Picnic

15th June 2022

A lunch in the grounds. After all the events of the Platinum Jubilee Weekend, St Augustine’s Priory was ready to celebrate as well.  The Nursery had marked the Jubilee with a tea before Half Term, but the rest of the school were waiting for a BBQ picnic on Friday 10th June.     Armed with a…

Nursery Sports Day

15th June 2022

A galaxy of events to enjoy. The Nursery Sports Day was held on Friday 10th June and was a time of balancing, jumping, running and throwing as the Nursery children demonstrated their sporting prowess.  Prep I was there to show support to the Nursery and they were joined by the Nursery parents who cheered everyone…

‘Strictly Heads’

10th June 2022

The London Heads’ Dance Society. Oh, yes, on Sunday 26th June this is your chance to see a selection of Headteachers of London schools dance the night away in ‘Strictly Heads’.  Training has been tough and the sewing of sequins equally difficult.  But triumph is in sight!  If you would like to see Headteachers dance…

Preps and Juniors Sports Day

10th June 2022

Summer is here! Our Summer festivities start here.  The Preps and Juniors Sports Day on 8th June was a cavalcade of sporting activities, wonderfully supported by many parents who came to watch. Both field and track events were held and the shots were put, the javelins thrown and the jumps were very long indeed.  There…

Form III take tea

10th June 2022

A lovely beginning to Half Term. Just before Half Term, on Wednesday 25th May, all the Form III classes took turns to celebrate Spring and the forthcoming Half Term by enjoying cupcakes in the Head’s study.   Form IIIA, Form III Alpha and Form III Aleph enjoyed this opportunity to sit and relax and talk…