TfL accreditation scheme. Earlier in the Lent Term we received our plaque and certificate from TfL (Transport for London) for achieving our Bronze STARS – Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe Accreditation. This has been awarded in recognition of achievement in active and safer travel initiatives. STARS is “TfL’s accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries….
Upper IV – Upper V winners. Albert Einstein said, ‘Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas’. At St Augustine’s Priory, poetry, in all its guises, is valued and encouraged. Mrs Bennet, Head of Mathsematics, encourages the love of Mathematics by regularly entering students from Upper II upwards in the Maths Challenges…
‘You said, we did’. Listening to and acting upon students’ concerns is one of the key functions of the Student Council. This dedicated student-led body meets regularly throughout the year and takes the initiative to hear and put forward proposals coming from pupils. Some of the recent proposals coming from the Student Council were: Asking…
Off to a good start. Charities Week had a tremendous start last Friday when girls in Lower II and Upper II who are members of The Eyes of the World Club held a bake sale in aid of Refugee Action. Miss Cooke takes up the story: ‘The Eyes of the World club is the co-curricular…
Nursery to Upper II enjoy meeting our guests. We hosted visitors on Friday 25th March when Deputy Heads from around the country came to St Augustine’s Priory as part of the National School of Formation Barnabas Magdalene Programme. The programme is designed to promote leadership and our guests spent the day observing our work around…
An afternoon of tripping the light fantastic. The Senior and Junior Dance Showcases on Wednesday 23rd March took place in the Badano Hall and were thoroughly enjoyed by families and friends who gathered. The showcases showed not only the dancing talents of our students, but also the acrobatic and gymnastic skills which had been honed…
Creative Writing Club. It is a wonderful event when the Creative Writing Club produces a new edition of Scribe. Following Scribe Volume I and also the beautifully written Priory Pilgrimage, Mrs King, the Co-ordinator of the Creative Writing Club, is proud to announce that Scribe Volume II is now published! Scribe, a collection of poetry…
Movies and Magic. Miss Daya reports on the exciting STEM Club which is inspiring Juniors to explore the world of science: ‘This term we have launched a Junior STEM club. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and our sessions have incorporated skills from all these disciplines. Our theme has been ‘Movies and Magic’…
Miss K Wiley. We subscribe to ‘The Week Junior’ at St Augustine’s Priory and this magazine is available for pupils to read, either in the Scriptorium or in classrooms. ‘The Week Junior’ is a stimulating and educational magazine that covers news stories from around the world, national, Science and Technology news, and, among many other…
icandance. Headteachers are known for many things. Leadership and academic ability being but two. Dancing prowess may not necessarily be top of anybody’s list. Or feature on the list at all, to be brutally honest. Well, now we all have the opportunity to see for ourselves how Headteachers can waltz, fandango and cha cha cha,…