A performance for the Society of Heads. We were delighted that our Baroque Group were invited to play at the Society of Heads Conference last week in Cheshire. Mrs Raffray is the Chair of The Society of Heads this year, which is an organisation representing independent schools in the UK and overseas. The three musicians,…
Daffodils and ducks. It is a sure sign that Spring is taking root when the daffodils arrive at St Augustine’s Priory to trumpet Spring’s arrival. The grounds are ablaze with daffodils as they adorn the farm, the Prep Meadow and the Prayer Garden. The ducks are always keen to explore and enjoy the warmer weather…
The naming of our temporary Hall. Our new temporary Hall now has a name. Building work is soon to commence at St Augustine’s Priory, adding new spaces to educate and enthuse all who are here. Therefore, we have taken possession of a temporary Hall, which has been put up on the grounds to house clubs,…
Visit to Hampton Court Palace. Lower II historians recently visited one of the UK’s most magnificent historic buildings, Hampton Court Palace. Originally owned by Cardinal Wolsey, chief minister to Henry VIII, it passed to the king when Cardinal Wolsey fell from favour. In the seventeenth century, King William III undertook to rebuild and extend the…
Stop Everything – Read. Last week we celebrated Book Week with a feast of literary lusciousness. We welcomed authors Sylvia Bishop and Sita Brahmachari who ran workshops for our very receptive students and Book Character Day was a triumph of staff and pupils dressing up as their favourite literary characters. From the works of Beatrix…
‘Girls can do anything’. Mrs Nikolova reports that the Nursery had a wonderful time celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March. She says, ‘Nursery had a fabulous International Women’s day. We listened to the story ‘Girls can do anything’. In addition, we also had a scrumptious afternoon tea with the girls.’ The Juniors and…
Quantum Theatre. Last week saw Quantum Theatre visit us with a wonderful production of Macbeth. Lower V and Upper V gathered in the Hall to see Shakespeare’s tale of unbridled ambition and greed for power unfold. The cast of five undertook all parts and made imaginative use of a set which, although small, managed to…
‘Anyone can make a difference…’ Ms D Corkery, Head of Religious Education, here tells us of the research that Lower VI have been undertaking recently: ‘As part of their studies in Catholic Social Teaching in Core RE, Lower VI students have been researching the topic “Anyone can make a difference: 21st century changemakers.” The students were…
‘A very warm welcome to the Society of Heads Conference 2022. What a pleasure it is to welcome so many people in person. We also welcome people joining us online. We last met for conference shortly before the first lockdown in March 2020. Since then we have climbed the mountain of moving schools online, responding…
Juniors and Seniors in partnership with other schools. Monday 21st February was a golden opportunity for St Augustine’s Priory. We had been invited to take part in the Oracy for Advocacy day at Westminster Cathedral, organised by EducareM. Pupils from both Juniors and Seniors participated in this, part of the Building the Kingdom programme. The…