Preps & Pre-Preps

As a Catholic school our commitment to the whole person is enshrined in all we do. Have you considered that your children will work alongside robots? Their holidays may take place in space. Being a well-rounded human being, able to handle high-tech alongside the varying emotions of rapid change has never mattered more. Our Preps and Pre-Preps is a place where girls make exceptional progress academically, where a focus on oracy means they learn to use their unique voice and where our experienced, caring and dedicated staff create a stimulating, inspirational environment enabling the strongest possible start. From Nursery to the end of Key Stage Two all of our children know they have something to give and that we will hear them.

Our children enjoy wonderfully small classes and a vibrant experience of learning. Bespoke work with each child is possible because of our very high staff to pupil ratio. Our visionary teachers make sure that a love of learning is caught at an early age. Research based pedagogy means that learning is consistently imaginative and forward thinking. We get them ready for the digital age while ensuring they have a proper childhood. Our irresistible curriculum design develops thinking outside of the box – a recent Mardi Gras topic explored not just the history of colonialism but the emerging debate about the colonisation of space.

As an independent school, liberated from SATs, we teach a broad and balanced curriculum with specialist teachers for PE, Music, Ballet and Language lessons who also teach in the Senior School. To give you a flavour of what this means, in Art children develop drawing skills through the application of the formal elements when recording from first and second hand observations. In P.E. teaching allows pupils to exceed expectations in agility, balance and co-ordination individually and with others. They learn to respond confidently to physical play and engage intellectually with PE and sports.  All this is on top of what you expect in terms of reading, writing and core curriculum. An intelligent approach to curriculum design means that we build on best practice in pedagogy while integrating approaches to personal development that helps each child uncover their gifts.

Our 13 acres are used to the full. Whether for Forest School, the allotment or bug hotel building sessions – we want the children to learn about the world and care for creation from first hand experiences. While many city children will only ever know concrete playgrounds, our children get used to the smell of the earth, mud on their feet, the squish of leaves underfoot and the sounds of birds in the trees. They know their conkers from their acorns!

Open Events
If you would like a bespoke visit email
Prep and Pre-Prep Open Morning –  School in Action
School in Action Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps for entry from Nursery through to Year 6 will take place on:
Tuesday 29th April 2025, 10am – 12pm
Senior Open Morning:
Entry into Year 7 and above will take place on:
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10am – 12pm