Faith Life

We are excited about what it means to be a Catholic School. We know that by living out our mission we are equipping our students with the skills they need to change the face of the earth.

Every day begins with prayer; from the youngest in the Nursery to the Sixth Form tutor groups. Community and Faith Life Prefects are appointed to help co-ordinate and lead a variety of events during the year. They are assisted by a team of Community and Faith Life Prefects from each Senior Form class. Every Wednesday the celebration of Mass takes place in our Chapel. Terms always begin and end with Mass or special Liturgies. Every February half-term the whole school celebrates our Feast Day with Mass in Ealing Abbey. Our Carol Service also is held in the Abbey.  These services are held with the kind permission of the Abbot of Ealing.

Those girls making their First Holy Communion in their own parishes also celebrate this important sacrament in school with our annual First Holy Communion Mass at Corpus Christi. As a community we also mark our older students who make their Confirmation in their parishes with a special Confirmation Celebration close to Pentecost. Both sets of students are linked together is school as part of our ‘Faith Friends’ programme.

With the kind permission of the Abbot of Ealing, several old girls also have held their weddings in the Chapel, showing how important the relationship between girl and school continues to be once they leave us. Throughout the year lunchtime prayers are held in the Chapel or the Prayer Garden, with the theme always linking to the Liturgical Year. Each Senior year group has the opportunity to take part in a retreat, either held here at school or at the Diocese of Westminster’s retreat centre.

St Augustine’s Priory Preps School Retreats Programme

Retreat Year Groups Date Theme
Be Spirited Nursery to Year 6 Michaelmas i – September Developing Prayer and Spirituality
Reconciliation Year 3 & Year 4 Lent ii – March Understanding and preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Eucharist Year 3 & Year 4 Summer ii – June Understanding and preparation for the Sacrament of Eucharist
The Great Mandatum -Service Year 5 Summer i – May Developing our sense of mission and service to others based around the Great Mandatum
UII Leavers Retreat Year 6 Summer ii – July Thanksgiving for and reflections on our time in the Prep School


St Augustine’s Priory Senior School Retreats Programme

Retreat Year Groups Date Theme
Rebel Saints
(on site)
Year 7 Summer ii – June
(Enrichment week)
Learn about various female saints and how they can be role models for today
The Friend
(on site)
Year 8 Summer ii – June
(Enrichment week)
Reflect on the gift of friendship and how they can be better friends
Called By Name
(off site SPEC)
Year 9 Lent – March Explore God’s love for us from creation.
The Child
(on site am
Off-site pm Somerset House)
Year 10 Michaelmas ii –
Reflect on being a child of God
Firm Foundations
(off site residential SPEC)
Year 11 Lent i – January (after mocks) This retreat equips the young people with the tools to help them build their life on Christ by discovering different types of prayer and learning from the examples of saints.
Time for silence
(off site Tyburn Convent)
Sixth Form Lent i – January (after mocks) Learn about the example of the Tyburn martyrs and meet some of the enclosed community in Tyburn and spend time in their Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament


Inclusion, Diversity and Equity

The school has been involved in the work of the Faith and Belief Forum since 2010. We are currently linked with the Jewish Community Secondary School (JCoSS) in Barnet.  A group of Upper IV (year 9) girls meet up three times a year with pupils from JCoSS to share their beliefs, ideas and experiences as young women of faith in 21st century London.

Social Justice

We want our girls to be hungry for change. During Lent Term each House chooses a charity to raise money for during Charities Week. We also support CAFOD’s Fast Days during Harvest and Lent. Local charities that we regularly support are Ealing Foodbank and the Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster). The students often ask for charity collections to take place for causes they want to support. As a Catholic school we work towards the Common Good. During Advent the girls provide gifts for our partner girls school in Southall. We want to set the hearts of students on fire. They will shape the future.

“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.”

Open Events
If you would like a bespoke visit email
Prep and Pre-Prep Open Morning –  School in Action
School in Action Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps for entry from Nursery through to Year 6 will take place on:
Tuesday 29th April 2025, 10am – 12pm
Senior Open Morning:
Entry into Year 7 and above will take place on:
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10am – 12pm